Nikhil wearing a blazer and smiling

Nikhil Saravan




Nikhil is a Sanskrit word which refers to someone who is unbounded and embodies perfection.

I embrace the meaning of my name and strive for perfection in all my work. As an engineer and a designer, I enjoy creating solutions based on my unique understanding of problems.

My experience

I have had amazing opportunities to work for some of the biggest organizations in the world and a lean start-up with potential to become "the next big thing". During my time in these organizations, I gained new skills in product design, managing high stake situations, sales and marketing, and psychology.

I'm currently bringing it all together in the MHCI program at Carnegie Mellon University and as a Product Designer at Bloomberg.

Clients I’ve designed for
Goldman Sachs Logo
Deloitte logo
FTL logo
Goldman Sachs Logo
CMU logo
Goldman Sachs Logo
Goldman Sachs Logo
Goldman Sachs Logo
My story

I've always had an inclination towards building products.

When I was young, I used to dismantle any gadget or toy I could get my hands on and reassemble it. While this motivated me to build things, it also created an inherent curiosity in me to understand how things are made and how they work which inadvertently paved the way for me to approach engineering with a designer’s mindset.

Over the years, I have learnt to incorporate design thinking to my problem solving approach and this has ensured that I always build usable products.

What I do when I’m not working

I enjoy traveling, climbing and playing soccer (I used to play semi-professionally).
I'm currently reading Hooked by Nir Eyal and trying to add more ideas to my idea book.